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 [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin

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Qt, The Soulless Man
Lord Z
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Andreas présentera sa decklist dans le cadre d'un livecast sur la chaîne https://www.twitch.tv/agotnordic .
Ca se passe dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin.

Le replay sera disponible quelques temps après sur la chaîne Youtube Beyond the White Book (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsZzNCKqWflwhjXd-1AqTKQ).

La decklist : https://thronesdb.com/decklist/view/4094/champion-tournoi-de-la-main-16-x-bamf-1.0 .

Comme ce mec est adorable, si vous postez vos questions en anglais ici, il viendra y répondre.

[EDIT]J'ai mal compris initialement, c'est bien dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. Dormez bien cette nuit.[/EDIT]

[15:19:41] Mog Baelish LDBG : Pour moi, 5/5, c'est un mec qui rentre dans tous les decks, et lui pour moi il rentre, j'aurais du mettre 5/5 pour Janos, mais ma mauvaise foi de lanni a pris le dessus

[15:43:50] Ketal : nan mais je dis que c'est de la merde parce que je suis un rageux^^

Aekhold a écrit:
Merci en Targ conclave et j'etais le seul conclave mais quand j'ai vue les cartes sous l'agenda d'habitude j'essaye de maintenir la poker face mais j'ai lacher un "au putain" c'est quoi cette rotisserie.

Dernière édition par jon-z le Mer 20 Avr 2016 - 9:51, édité 2 fois
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

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Hello, Buzz here! Thanks for one of the best tournaments as usual. I think very many tournaments don't handle Judging at Top Tables very good, but French are always very proffesional judges <3 Smile

Happy to hear you're interested in the deck. If you ask questions here I will try to bring them up on the Livecast and also write answers here. Thanks Smile
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

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If you like maybe you can help me finish this:
R1 vs Srilow(?): Win Targ/Lion,

R2 vs ??: Win Targ/Lion,

R3 vs Nicodu: Win vs Lanni LotC,

R4 vs Nihio: Win vs Martell/Watch,

R5 vs Ecureuil: Loss vs Martell/Stag,

R6 vs Cyrano(?): Win vs Tyrell/Crossing,

R7 vs ??: Win vs ??,

Dernière édition par SundanC_e le Mar 19 Avr 2016 - 18:33, édité 1 fois
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Lord Z
Gardien du Guet
Lord Z

Messages : 324
Age : 40

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SundanC_e a écrit:
R1 vs Srilow(?): Win Targ/Lion
there wasn't Srilow Wink
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Garde de Nuit de Rouen

Messages : 1128

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In fact, I met you in R7, and I was Tyrell/Crossing indeed Wink
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Qt, The Soulless Man
Champion de France de Mêlée 2018 - Gouverneur du Val - Membre du Conseil Restreint
Qt, The Soulless Man

Messages : 8421
Age : 45

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
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I'll check my computer this evening and give you all your opponents of the first day.

You are really a great champion et a very nice guy! I hope, you will come next year to put your title at stake.
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Messages : 2346
Age : 28

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin EmptyMar 19 Avr 2016 - 19:08

Yay man! I'll hope to see you soon again! And good job, northern old gods may be proud of you! Wink
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Qt, The Soulless Man
Champion de France de Mêlée 2018 - Gouverneur du Val - Membre du Conseil Restreint
Qt, The Soulless Man

Messages : 8421
Age : 45

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin EmptyMer 20 Avr 2016 - 1:19

R1 : Chronosis  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 3667449312  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 51616898
R2 : Graoul  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 3667449312  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 51616898
R3 : Nicodu  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 1892085190 LotC
R4 : Nohio  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 2677654319  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 2892268364
R5 : Ecu  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 2677654319  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 3054857415
R6 : Guet  [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 1892085190 LotC
R7 : Cyrano [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin 1805188541 LotC
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

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MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin EmptyMer 20 Avr 2016 - 9:35

Thanks QT!

Follow the link for a short report.


Tonight @ 2am we will talk about the deck Smile
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Qt, The Soulless Man
Champion de France de Mêlée 2018 - Gouverneur du Val - Membre du Conseil Restreint
Qt, The Soulless Man

Messages : 8421
Age : 45

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
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Thank for sharing your deck. I have one question, do you think that wildfire is usefull?
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin EmptyMer 20 Avr 2016 - 10:04

Qt, The Soulless Man a écrit:
Thank for sharing your deck. I have one question, do you think that wildfire is usefull?

I did not play it many times this tournament sadly, but before the tournament it has been great. It is best vs Baratheon, Lord of the Crossing decks and Greyjoy, but mostly Baratheon. My philosophy is this: My main advantage is Economy(Tywin, Tyrion, Hear me Roar, InBAMF), I can play a lot more chars than you. I think it is important to note that Hear me Roar & InBAMF are Economy that give you a very good Tempo control of the game. So every time I reduce the board I'm the winner, that is why I play First Snow, Marched AND Wildfire. It is also good when my opponent gets a good start and find more Economy than me. This way I can try and build up my Economy and Big Chars then reduce board to 3 vs 3 and "start again". This was my plan vs Nicodu, but he played First Snow wrong turn so he did the job for me Very Happy.
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Messages : 2345
Age : 43

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin EmptyMer 20 Avr 2016 - 10:12

Thanks for sharing !

impressive deckbuild ! I never played against a deck like that and I regret to have not seen any of your games to see how you play / handle against some archetypes...

Are setups not too difficult ? I have some difficulties myself and I'm feeling gulty to play with my 11 events already Very Happy

Nevertheless, I love the pack events and find it very impactful... For my part, in spite of being well used of playing against lannister decks, if the final would have last more, this would certainly have surprised me and lead me into a trap !

Very interesting deckbuild and an impressive performance ! I understand far more how you manage to play in an environnement so full of lannister... Your deck is clearly unique and you are not in a miror match in most of the cases !
Congrats again and renewed so !
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Champion de France de Mêlée 2016 - Garde de Nuit de Paris

Messages : 4151

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I read you report:

SundanC_e a écrit:

P.S: French Fries... You are welcome to Sweden to try and reclaim some of your dignity, see you in September Smile <3
Ahah, yes it would be great for us to win the Varberg tournament..as Laplante already did. 1-1 Razz

SundanC_e a écrit:

Nihio the CryBaby
So true, I smiled Very Happy

Devise des Crevards: "On n'est pas à l'abri de passer une bonne soirée"

Qt, 22/03/2020: "Je persiste et signe malgré ma nullité sur IT"
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

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MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin EmptyMer 20 Avr 2016 - 10:43

Silme a écrit:
Thanks for sharing !

impressive deckbuild ! I never played against a deck like that and I regret to have not seen any of your games to see how you play / handle against some archetypes...

Are setups not too difficult ? I have some difficulties myself and I'm feeling gulty to play with my 11 events already Very Happy

Nevertheless, I love the pack events and find it very impactful... For my part, in spite of being well used of playing against lannister decks, if the final would have last more, this would certainly have surprised me and lead me into a trap !

Very interesting deckbuild and an impressive performance ! I understand far more how you manage to play in an environnement so full of lannister... Your deck is clearly unique and you are not in a miror match in most of the cases !
Congrats again and renewed so !

Thank you very much!
The setups are better than one might think... I don't need more than 3 cards. 2 Chars + 1 Economy is all I need. I won one of my games with 1 char(Marched)+ 1 Wail + 1 economy. This deck plays very well from behind, which is something I like Smile

Lannistark a écrit:
SundanC_e "Nihio the CryBaby"

So true, I smiled Very Happy

Right? lol!

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Messages : 2345
Age : 43

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
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Thanks for your answer !
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Garde de Nuit de Dijon
Garde de Nuit de Dijon

Messages : 1805

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
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Congrats Buzz for the impressive tournament Very Happy

I took the Syd's list too for my deck last saturday but I never could get ride of the Milk to handle the big guys such as Tywin or Bobby or ... when kills don't come soon enough that's a waiting solution so how do you handle the situation when you don't draw ptts or tol

and you are right : Melissandre + Painted table + Iron throne + Red Donjon + Stannis IS a f...g nightmare ... Milk and a little mistake of my opponent were the only way to win the game
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

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Adrian a écrit:
Congrats Buzz for the impressive tournament  Very Happy

I took the Syd's list too for my deck last saturday but I never could get ride of the Milk to handle the big guys such as Tywin or Bobby or ... when kills don't come soon enough that's a waiting solution so how do you handle the situation when you don't draw ptts or tol

and you are right : Melissandre + Painted table + Iron throne + Red Donjon + Stannis IS a f...g nightmare ... Milk and a little mistake of my opponent were the only way to win the game

In almost all of my games I play both Counting Coppers in first 3-4 turns, if I don't find kill then I'm just unlucky Very Happy I think I will just make lots of Power challenges and focus on defending Power challenges until I can get the right tempo. Also First Snow --> Military --> Marched usually slows my opponent done a lot even if they have big power chars. But the real key is playing both Counting Coppers early.
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Garde de Nuit de Dijon
Garde de Nuit de Dijon

Messages : 1805

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ok I understand why you play first snow AND wildfire now ... you focus to slow down the game until you can make a fresh start with your kills ... smart choice I will try it next time

thanks and congratulations again Very Happy
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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 10825
Age : 43

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
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one of the best player of the game and an amazing deck ! many lannister decks but few with real deckbuilding , i'm very happy you win with it ! Wink
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

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Valni, The Soulless Trik a écrit:
Yay man! I'll hope to see you soon again! And good job, northern old gods may be proud of you! Wink

Silme a écrit:
Very interesting deckbuild and an impressive performance !

Argento a écrit:
one of the best player of the game  and an amazing deck !  many lannister decks but few with real deckbuilding , i'm very happy you win with it ! Wink

drunken Embarassed drunken Embarassed drunken
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Can you tell us more about your choice to include 3 Pycelle's in the decklist ? I suspect the beard to be of a great importance in the decklist, can you confirm it the us ?
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
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Timmy a écrit:
Can you tell us more about your choice to include 3 Pycelle's in the decklist ? I suspect the beard to be of a great importance in the decklist, can you confirm it the us ?

You need atleast one great beard in your deck and since I want to see it asap I need to play 3. Maybe when we get more options I'll play less of him and add others.

He is also a good source of draw and a power icon, the biggest internal trouble for the deck are setups, draw and power icons - he brings it all. Also dupes on your <4 is superb for First Snow!
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Chevalier Errant

Messages : 556

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin Empty
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Congrats! cheers

What can Wolves of the North bring to this deck?
Indeed Tower of the Hand fairly complete the "plop" event combo Smile
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

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Gaishi a écrit:
Congrats!  cheers

What can Wolves of the North bring to this deck?
Indeed Tower of the Hand fairly complete the "plop" event combo Smile

Tower of the Hand goes right in x2. And increase InBAMF to x3 - Probably Trial By Combat from Calm over Westeroes also.
This is my first draft of Post-Wolves version: https://thronesdb.com/deck/view/85842 - I will keep updating it all the time.
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Chevalier Errant

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Buzz a écrit:

Tower of the Hand goes right in x2. And increase InBAMF to x3 - Probably Trial By Combat from Calm over Westeroes also.
This is my first draft of Post-Wolves version: https://thronesdb.com/deck/view/85842 - I will keep updating it all the time.
Thanks for the link, I'll take a look at and Basketball
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[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin
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