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 [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin

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Qt, The Soulless Man
Lord Z
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Garde de Nuit de Rouen

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[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 EmptyJeu 21 Avr 2016 - 13:08

Seems to be very strong.

Are you playing the plot Trading with the Pentoshi most of time after the 2 Counting Coppers or after a Wildfire Assault?

You put a Naval Superiority in your new decklist and you play the combo plots on your 4 first turns. This plot is better when played on the first turn, isn't it? I mean, in which case(s) could you play it between the 5 and 7 turn? Or just included it to play as the first plot on a bad setup?

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 930507BannireGIF4
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Héritier et Pupille

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[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 EmptyJeu 21 Avr 2016 - 13:44

GetBackBaby a écrit:
You put a Naval Superiority in your new decklist and you play the combo plots on your 4 first turns. This plot is better when played on the first turn, isn't it? I mean, in which case(s) could you play it between the 5 and 7 turn? Or just included it to play as the first plot on a bad setup?

The main reasons i could see are :

It's huge after 1st snow.
It works well with Tower of the Hand.
It's not risky at all if you have Tywin or the jump events.

Naval Superiority is not that uncommon in the Lanni X-ing with jump.

[15:19:41] Mog Baelish LDBG : Pour moi, 5/5, c'est un mec qui rentre dans tous les decks, et lui pour moi il rentre, j'aurais du mettre 5/5 pour Janos, mais ma mauvaise foi de lanni a pris le dessus

[15:43:50] Ketal : nan mais je dis que c'est de la merde parce que je suis un rageux^^

Aekhold a écrit:
Merci en Targ conclave et j'etais le seul conclave mais quand j'ai vue les cartes sous l'agenda d'habitude j'essaye de maintenir la poker face mais j'ai lacher un "au putain" c'est quoi cette rotisserie.
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

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[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 EmptyJeu 21 Avr 2016 - 13:49

I play Pentoshi when my opponent have no cards, when I'm behind on board or when I have very strong plays. For example I want to play Tywin & Tyrion.
I don't want to play Pentoshi after a Wildfire or First Snow. I want to play it to catch up on boards and then reset their flooding with Wildifre or First Snow.

I have been wanting to put Naval in for a long time. I love Naval and Iniative is very important in second edition. There are a few turns where it shines:
1. I setup Tywin ---> Naval
2. First Snow ---> Naval
3. I kill an important char ---> Naval
I think Naval is great not only in the first turn but whenever you have an advantage and want to lock down the game. Also if I "miss" with Naval I still have 2+ gold for Hear me Roar, it's no problem for me.
Another alternative is Clash of Kings or Second Marched or Winds of Winter, they are all good choices.
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Lord Commandant de la Garde de.-Champion de France 2009-Main du Roi 2011

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Age : 41

[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin   [TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 EmptyJeu 21 Avr 2016 - 13:59

Congratz Hand of The King!

I hope you have met good personn, and you want come back next year. It was a pleasure to see a beardy player from Sweden win Wink
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[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin - Page 2 Empty
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Naval superiority is also extremely strong when your opponent thinks you are going to reveal marched to the wall so he plays it himself... it's totally gamebreaker and impossible to come back from this.

Congrats for your win and for your deckbuild Wink
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[TM 2016] Winning deck - livecast dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à 2H00 du matin
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