- GetBackBaby a écrit:
- You put a Naval Superiority in your new decklist and you play the combo plots on your 4 first turns. This plot is better when played on the first turn, isn't it? I mean, in which case(s) could you play it between the 5 and 7 turn? Or just included it to play as the first plot on a bad setup?
The main reasons i could see are :
It's huge after 1st snow.
It works well with Tower of the Hand.
It's not risky at all if you have Tywin or the jump events.
Naval Superiority is not that uncommon in the Lanni X-ing with jump.
[15:19:41] Mog Baelish LDBG : Pour moi, 5/5, c'est un mec qui rentre dans tous les decks, et lui pour moi il rentre, j'aurais du mettre 5/5 pour Janos, mais ma mauvaise foi de lanni a pris le dessus
[15:43:50] Ketal : nan mais je dis que c'est de la merde parce que je suis un rageux^^
- Aekhold a écrit:
- Merci en Targ conclave et j'etais le seul conclave mais quand j'ai vue les cartes sous l'agenda d'habitude j'essaye de maintenir la poker face mais j'ai lacher un "au putain" c'est quoi cette rotisserie.