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 A rose for the she-wolf [Tyrell Wolf]

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Membre du Conseil Restreint

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Age : 39

A rose for the she-wolf [Tyrell Wolf] Empty
MessageSujet: A rose for the she-wolf [Tyrell Wolf]   A rose for the she-wolf [Tyrell Wolf] EmptyJeu 28 Juil 2016 - 14:10

Voilà un deck facile à jouer et qui marche plutôt bien.

A rose for the she-wolf mêlée

House Tyrell
Banner of the Wolf

2x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) => Victoire!
1x A Noble Cause (Core Set)
1x Calling the Banners (Core Set)
1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set)
1x A Tourney for the King (The King's Peace)
1x Varys's Riddle (Across the Seven Kingdoms) => Comme je savais pas quoi mettre je me suis dit que ce serait cool de copier un truc!

2x Arya Stark (Core Set)
3x Bran Stark (Core Set)
3x Sansa Stark (Core Set)
2x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set)
1x Winterfell Steward (Core Set)
3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set)
2x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set)
3x Randyll Tarly (Core Set)
3x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set)
2x Garden Caretaker (Core Set)
1x Arbor Knight (Taking the Black)
1x Ser Hobber Redwyne (The King's Peace)
2x Ser Horas Redwyne (No Middle Ground)
2x Greatjon's Vanguard (Calm over Westeros) => Renom pour les 3 premiers tours!
3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North)
1x Ser Colen of Greenpools (Across the Seven Kingdoms)

3x The Kingsroad (Core Set)
2x Rose Garden (Core Set)
3x Pleasure Barge (Taking the Black)
1x Street of the Sisters (Taking the Black)
3x The Arbor (No Middle Ground) => Là ça peut changer selon les affinités mais au setup c'est tellement mais tellement fort

1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set)
1x Heartsbane (Core Set)
3x Mare in Heat (The King's Peace)
1x Ward (True Steel)

3x Superior Claim (Core Set)
2x The Hand's Judgment (Core Set)
3x Lady Sansa's Rose (The Road to Winterfell)
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A rose for the she-wolf [Tyrell Wolf]
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