House Greyjoy
Sea of Blood
Packs: From Core Set (3) to Kings of the Isles
2x Forced March (Sands of Dorne)
1x We Take Westeros! (Kings of the Isles)
1x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
1x Valar Morghulis (There Is My Claim)
1x You Win Or You Die (Someone Always Tells)
1x Trade Routes (House of Thorns)
1x Varamyr Sixskins (The Shadow City)
1x Hagen's Daughter (The March on Winterfell)
3x Drowned God Fanatic (Streets of King's Landing)
2x Victarion Greyjoy (Music of Dragons)
2x Iron Victory's Crew (In Daznak's Pit)
3x Euron Crow's Eye (Kings of the Isles)
3x Eager Deckhand (Kings of the Isles)
1x Littlefinger (Core Set)
1x Black Wind's Crew (Core Set)
3x Drowned Men (Core Set)
3x Iron Islands Fishmonger (Core Set)
1x Lordsport Shipwright (Core Set)
1x Balon Greyjoy (Called to Arms)
1x Theon Greyjoy (The Fall of Astapor)
2x Stony Shore Raider (The Brotherhood Without Banners)
3x Asha Greyjoy (Kingsmoot)
1x Grey Ghost (Music of Dragons)
2x Refurbished Hulk (In Daznak's Pit)
1x Silence (Kings of the Isles)
1x Maiden's Bane (Kings of the Isles)
3x The Kingsroad (Core Set)
2x Iron Fleet Scout (Core Set)
3x Sea Tower (Core Set)
2x Raiding Longship (The Road to Winterfell)
3x Iron Mines (Calm over Westeros)
2x Isle of Ravens (There Is My Claim)
1x Sea Bitch (Tyrion's Chain)
2x Put to the Sword (Core Set)
1x Put to the Torch (Core Set)
3x Risen from the Sea (Core Set)
2x We Do Not Sow (Core Set)