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 [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck

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Kaefer, BagdadSlayer
Khudzlin, Rules Bison
27 participants
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Champion de France de Mêlée 2015

Messages : 7287
Age : 48

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 27 Mar 2012 - 10:48

Ben c'est clair que Stahleck ça sera plus pour les mickeys. Enfin si on peut tenter les pré-qualif mais les places seront chères je pense.

Et imaginons que les pré-qualif soient en 5 rondes, tu tapes 12 matches dans la journée. affraid

Au final, je trouve que c'est pas mal, ça relève le niveau et ça résout de belle manière le problème du nombre de participants qui ne cesse de croître.

Par contre, vous avez noté :
Citation :
starting at 15.00:
LCG Joust Tourney (European Joust Championship) (7 rounds)

7 rondes à partir de 15h, donc ça finit vers 22h, sans compter la pause bouffe.

L'endurance devient une compétence de plus en plus importante.
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Messages : 3000
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 27 Mar 2012 - 11:02

Par contre si t'as 100 pelos qui se ramènent pour tenter les qualif, ça résoud pas grand chose en terme de place Razz
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Valar Morghulis

Messages : 11239
Age : 41

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 27 Mar 2012 - 23:37

@Firefox: tiens j'avais pas fait gaffe, le premier CR anglais a lieu en même temps que le CF.
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Main du Roi 2012

Messages : 3428
Age : 33

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyLun 21 Mai 2012 - 22:47

Les modalités de tournoi ont changées.

Il n'y a maintenant plus de tounoi de qualifications. Voici les nouvelles modalités:

Citation :
A few notes about the tourney system for the Joust main event:

The success of Stahleck results in a big number of players, and an even bigger number than last year is expected.
However, time and space is limited, so we had to spend some extra thoughts about how best to organize this event. Here is how it is going to be:
- Lets assume there are going to be like 160 players participating in the Joust tourney.
- There will be 4 groups of players (of 40 each). Each group is playing a tourney among themselves (6 rounds).
- The top 8 of each group will make the cut and together they will play a TOP32 final (now in single elimination rounds).
- It will be taken care that the players known to be on top of the game wont find themselves all in one group. A sort of international ranking will be installed before therefore.

- Renown players will receive a bye for the first round of the Joust main event.
- That is: all 2012 winners of AGOT Joust Regionals listed at FFG and also the Top 4 of Stahleck Joust 2011.
- It is not possible to give this bye to someone else (eg. if you are a Stahleck 2011 top4 finisher and win a Regional this year).
- A first round bye means a full win. The opponents score for this win will be the average of the opponents score in the games played.
- A player may disclaim the bye and play a regular first round.
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Messages : 3587
Age : 44

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 22 Mai 2012 - 17:05

Tiens tiens tiens slurp...
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Champion de France de Joute 2012

Messages : 458
Age : 32

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 22 Mai 2012 - 19:02

Citation :
- Renown players will receive a bye for the first round of the Joust main event.
- That is: all 2012 winners of AGOT Joust Regionals listed at FFG and also the Top 4 of Stahleck Joust 2011.

I like it

C'est officiel j'ai le mot-clé renom!
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Poissonier de la Baie de la Néra

Messages : 64
Age : 38

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMer 23 Mai 2012 - 17:35

Anfalas a écrit:
Citation :
- Renown players will receive a bye for the first round of the Joust main event.
- That is: all 2012 winners of AGOT Joust Regionals listed at FFG and also the Top 4 of Stahleck Joust 2011.

I like it

C'est officiel j'ai le mot-clé renom!

Congratulations for your 1st place in French National Championship!!

See you in Stahleck Wink
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Messages : 2162
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyVen 25 Mai 2012 - 18:22

I've signed in.
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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 11403
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyVen 25 Mai 2012 - 20:55

I will sign in soon!
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[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyVen 25 Mai 2012 - 22:19

^N'importe qui peut y aller donc, où il faut avoir un certains rang pour tenter les qualifs ? pas bien compris ^^
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Main du Roi 2012

Messages : 3428
Age : 33

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyVen 25 Mai 2012 - 22:24

N'importe qui peut y aller.

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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 21
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Sep 2012 - 10:32

Good day, all!

I'm Istvan , a fellow player from Hungary. I'll be living in Cergy at the time of the tournament, and i'D like to participate in the tourney - my only problem is the travel. Prior to buying any flight tickets , i'd like to ask if any of you planning to go by car from nearby, Paris,and if is there a free place for me , i would be good to share costs, travel with company.

I can also bring cheap cigarettes from hungary if anyone is interested ....

Waiting for your quick reply - Istvan
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Champion d'Europe de Mêlée 2013

Messages : 5771
Age : 40

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Sep 2012 - 10:50

Hello Istvan!

I'm sorry I'm not going to Stahleck, and I can't say if any Parisian (or CErgyssian (?) ) goes. But I can tell you that there are players of GOT in Cergy Smile.

You can contact them here

(don't take the date of the last message into account, they most of the time play in Paris, and then use the topic for Paris).

I don't know when you are moving to Cergy, but if it's in October, we are organizing a competition on October 13th and 14th in Paris, you'll be more than welcome Smile.

I'll stop here talking about something else than Stahleck, if you have any question, please feel free to contact me by pm!
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Khudzlin, Rules Bison
Valar Morghulis
Khudzlin, Rules Bison

Messages : 11477
Age : 41

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Sep 2012 - 10:57

Bolzano and myself will be going. But I don't have a car and I don't think Bolzano has one.
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 21
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Sep 2012 - 11:05

I've checked , plane is 99 EUR as of now.

How do you plan to go ?
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Khudzlin, Rules Bison
Valar Morghulis
Khudzlin, Rules Bison

Messages : 11477
Age : 41

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Sep 2012 - 11:54

I'm not sure. I'll ask Bolzano tonight.
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 21
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMer 26 Sep 2012 - 8:26

Any news? We have to buy the tickets asap if we go by plane ...
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Khudzlin, Rules Bison
Valar Morghulis
Khudzlin, Rules Bison

Messages : 11477
Age : 41

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMer 26 Sep 2012 - 8:32

Bolzano doesn't have a car either, so we'll go by plane.
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 21
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMer 26 Sep 2012 - 9:55

Shall we go together? When do you plan to arrive ? I'll be on a holiday that day.
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Khudzlin, Rules Bison
Valar Morghulis
Khudzlin, Rules Bison

Messages : 11477
Age : 41

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyMer 26 Sep 2012 - 11:36

I plan on arriving on Friday morning/noon and leaving on Sunday evening.
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 21
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyLun 1 Oct 2012 - 10:26


Vous pouves trouver mes détailes de travail si-dessous.

Votre vol : Paris - Francfort
Jeudi 15 novembre 2012
AF2118 - Voyageur 15:30 Paris, Charles de Gaulle (CDG), FRANCE - Terminal 2F
Heure Limite d'Enregistrement : 14:30
16:50 Francfort, Frankfurt Intl (FRA), ALLEMAGNE
Effectué par : Air France Appareil : Airbus A318 Repas à bord : Information non disponible
Classe de réservation : V Temps de vol: 01h20, sans escale Franchise : 1 bagages par passager

Votre vol : Francfort - Paris
Dimanche 18 novembre 2012
AF1919 - Voyageur 15:55 Francfort, Frankfurt Intl (FRA), ALLEMAGNE - Terminal 2
Heure Limite d'Enregistrement : 15:15
17:15 Paris, Charles de Gaulle (CDG), FRANCE
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Khudzlin, Rules Bison
Valar Morghulis
Khudzlin, Rules Bison

Messages : 11477
Age : 41

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyLun 1 Oct 2012 - 10:39

You're going to miss the end of Sunday's sides, going so early.

Here are my details:
16/11/2012 09:35 Paris Charles De Gaulle Terminal 2F - 10:55 Francfort Int. Terminal 2
18/11/2012 20:40 Francfort Int. Terminal 2 - 22:00 Paris Charles De Gaulle Terminal 2F
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 21
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyLun 1 Oct 2012 - 14:43

Well, i'll come with a rush deck then Very Happy

Making into the finals would be a miracle, but you can never know ...

I'll come to Cregy on the 14th Oct, we can start playing after that !
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Khudzlin, Rules Bison
Valar Morghulis
Khudzlin, Rules Bison

Messages : 11477
Age : 41

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptyLun 1 Oct 2012 - 16:09

Note that the Tourney of the Hand is on the 13th and 14th near Paris.
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Messages : 2162
Age : 39

[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 EmptySam 6 Oct 2012 - 22:18

I'll arrive on 15.10 thursday evening and leave on monday, noon.
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[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck   [CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck - Page 2 Empty

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[CE 2012] Throne of Stahleck
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