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 Dance with dragons online tournament

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Black Strat
8 participants
Le Violeur du Donjon Rouge

Messages : 471

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyJeu 19 Mar 2020 - 20:55

Pour ceux qui sont chez eux et qui ont du temps un tournoi en ligne se monte pour le 28 mars (faudra vérifier les horaires pour les européens vu que c'est pas de chez nous)
J'ai vu ça sur le groupe Facebook je vous copie le post pour les intéressés.

Registration is OPEN for Dance with Dragons V: Online Edition!

When: Saturday, March 28th - Round 1 begins at 12pm EST.
Where: theironthrone.net, thejoustingpavilion.net, and Discord
Entry Fee: $10 USD via PayPal or Venmo
Register by completing the signup sheet here: https://forms.gle/XJpDV2Ld4oS8a4km8


The champion will receive a first round bye to the the Northeast Championship at Red Saturday. Additionally:

- All players will receive a copy of the alt-art Targaryen House Card (FOIL).
- Top 32 players will receive a copy of the alt-art Stark House Card (FOIL).
- Last place will receive a Sansa, Queen of the North Funko POP
- The player who just misses the cut will receive a Tyrion drinking wine Funko POP
- 2nd place will receive a Jon Snow on the Iron Throne Funko POP
- The winner will receive a playmat featuring the artwork from the Targaryen House Card + a Dany riding Drogon Funk POP.
- Top NW = playsets of worlds art Yoren + prime Jon Snow
- Top Targ = playsets of worlds art Daenerys Targaryen + prime Qotho
- Top GJ = playsets of worlds art Silence Crew + prime Aeron
- Top Tyrell = playsets of worlds art Randyll Tarly + prime Ser Garlen Tyrell
- Top Martel = playsets of worlds art Areo Hotah+ prime Obama Sand
- Top Stark = playsets of worlds art Catelyn Stark + prime Dacey Mormont
- Top Bara = playsets of worlds art Salladhor Saan + prime Melisandre
- Top Lanni = playsets of worlds art Gunthor Son of Gurn + prime Tyrion Lannister

Since this is the first official online tournament we will be running, we wanted to outline a list of Rules to clarify the details of how this will work. Please read them in full:

- Each player is required to fill out the player signup survey: https://forms.gle/vUcjaWqB7oetRpon8

- Any person may join this event regardless of region with the understanding that this tournament will be completed the same day operating in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

- Entry fee for the event is $10. This money will go toward funding prize support and shipping costs to send out prizes. Any money raised beyond the operational costs will be donated to The Iron Throne and Jousting Pavilion as a thank you for making this event possible.

- Prizes will be shipped out at the conclusion of the tournament once all the participation prizes are printed (printing is currently delayed due to the COVID-19 epidemic). Photographic records of each shipment will be taken prior to mailing them out; the organizers are not responsible for any lost mail - we will ensure everything is sent properly and documented, but we are not interested in entertaining people trying to get extra promos.

- Your entry fee must be paid prior to the start of the event or you will be dropped.

- Each player must submit a deck list via a ThronesDB link by no later than 11am EST. These lists will be checked by a non-player to ensure the event-specific restricted list is adhered to. Players may not change or alter their list between rounds. Any player found with an illegal deck prior to the start time may be allowed to correct their list if time permits. However, any player found to have an illegal deck after the start of the event will be disqualified... so, get your lists in early and don’t wait until the last second! Lists can be emailed to NECTAGOT@gmail.com or via the player signup survey.

- Each player is required to join the Discord channel for the NECT - https://discord.gg/cR3QQ3H

- Each player can see the pairings on Jousting Pavilion: https://thejoustingpavilion.com/tournaments/7443

- The tournament will begin at 12pm EST sharp. The # of rounds of Swiss will be announced the morning of the tournament depending on the number of participants, as well as a cut. Please plan for 5-6 rounds of Swiss with a cut to Top 16/Top 8.

- For the sake of time, we will not be doing a record based cut; we hope to get as clean a cut as possible with the number of rounds and cut size, but we just can’t afford to spend an hour doing a play-in round.

- Pairings will be updated live on The Jousting Pavilion. However, an announcement of the start of a new round will shared on Discord.

- When the round is announced, each player has 5 minutes to join the Discord voice channel labeled with the Table # they’re paired with. This will not only allow you to chat with your opponent, but it’ll let us see who has had their opponent show up. Voice audio for the game is NOT required, but you need to be able to communicate with your opponent quickly. If you cannot use Voice for whatever reason, it is on you to reach out to your opponent via direct message instead.

- If your opponent fails to show up after 5 minutes, notify a judge who will attempt to contact your opponent ONCE. If an immediate reply is not received by the judge, that player who did not show up in time will receive a game loss.

- Once both players arrive, mutually decide on one player to create the game on The Iron Throne. Please ensure this game Allows for Spectators so the people running the stream can spectate your match. Please use a password on the game. For simplicity sake, use the password “dwdt” along with the table number you are in that round. For example, if you are at Table 5, the password will be “dwdt5”.

- A judge will be available to join any game should one be required. You may do so by going to the #judge-calls channel and type “@judge Table ___”. No game will be actively judged except for the Finals. Only the players involved with the game in question or the Stream operator (if applicable) may notify a judge to intervene in a game. All judge decisions are final.

- Please set the in-game timer to 55 minutes. All games MUST have this timer except for the Finals, which will have a 90 minute timer. Once the timer ends, if the game is still playing, players will finish the current turn, and the player with the most power at the end of that turn is the winner. Slow play will be policed with the upmost severity. Please respect your opponent and play at a reasonable pace. If you suspect your opponent is slow playing, please notify a judge.

- If your opponent disconnects, they have 2 minutes to rejoin the match and take an action (prompt or in-game chat). If they fail to rejoin by then, they will receive a game loss for the round. If your opponent constantly disconnects and reconnects, call a judge to monitor the situation.

- All players consent to having their game streamed live via commentary. The stream will jump around to multiple games each round if the chosen stream game ends fast.

- Once the game ends, please go to the #match-reporting channel and report the result “[player] defeats [other player]”. If the timer runs out, please note that it was a modified win. The enforcement of Mod Wins is to discourage slow play; however, a player may concede a full win to their opponent at their own discretion any time before the match is reported.

- After reporting, please go to the #player-lobby in Discord and join the discussion. Alternatively, you can watch the live stream at any time. Keep an eye out for the announcement of the next round. Make sure your notifications are turned on.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Si certains ont des questions n'hésitez pas (je sais que l'anglais n'est pas le fort de tout le monde)
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Garde de Nuit de Paris

Messages : 1946
Age : 45

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyJeu 19 Mar 2020 - 21:35

Très sympa, j'adore la formule !

Je vais pas participer pour cause de confinement avec un gamin des 3 ans + timezone (-> ma femme va me tuer :-)), mais si non j'aurais certainement participé.

« Bon, je ne serai malheureusement pas des vôtres ce week-end [au CF 2018]... » — Marto, champion de France 2018
« Je concède face à Valnitrik étant donné que mon deck n'est pas légal. Je joue deux exemplaires de Annals of Castle Black qui a une plot limit... » — Marto, qui gagne contre Val car son deck est légal
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Ser Chevalier

Messages : 692
Age : 37

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyVen 20 Mar 2020 - 10:53

C'est très tentant de participer.

Faudrait voir pour les horaires, mais "12pm EST" ça veut dire midi heure de New York ?
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Garde de Nuit de Paris

Messages : 1946
Age : 45

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyVen 20 Mar 2020 - 11:08

Arutho a écrit:
Faudrait voir pour les horaires, mais "12pm EST" ça veut dire midi heure de New York ?


« Bon, je ne serai malheureusement pas des vôtres ce week-end [au CF 2018]... » — Marto, champion de France 2018
« Je concède face à Valnitrik étant donné que mon deck n'est pas légal. Je joue deux exemplaires de Annals of Castle Black qui a une plot limit... » — Marto, qui gagne contre Val car son deck est légal
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Black Strat
Black Strat

Messages : 428
Age : 45

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyVen 20 Mar 2020 - 19:15

J'ai bien envie de m'inscrire! ça ferait 17h heure de Paris si je dis pas de bêtise.
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Khudzlin, Rules Bison
Valar Morghulis
Khudzlin, Rules Bison

Messages : 11477
Age : 41

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyVen 20 Mar 2020 - 19:43

Black Strat a écrit:
J'ai bien envie de m'inscrire! ça ferait 17h heure de Paris si je dis pas de bêtise.

Tout à fait, le changement d'heure n'est que le 29 chez nous.
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Ser Chevalier

Messages : 692
Age : 37

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 11:49

Il parle d'une "event-specific restricted list", mais même dans le formulaire à remplir, je n'ai pas trouvé le détail de cette RL et si c'est une RL identique à celle de la world cup, ça me refroidit quelque peu.
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Le Violeur du Donjon Rouge

Messages : 471

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 11:54

Elle est pas du tout du même genre elle est en commentaire dans le post fasebook mais c'est un fichier Excel (enfin une impression écran) qui est plus dans le genre de la notre
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Garde de Nuit de Paris

Messages : 1946
Age : 45

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 12:22

est-ce que quelqu'un peut la poster ici aussi, cette RL?
merci d'avance

« Bon, je ne serai malheureusement pas des vôtres ce week-end [au CF 2018]... » — Marto, champion de France 2018
« Je concède face à Valnitrik étant donné que mon deck n'est pas légal. Je joue deux exemplaires de Annals of Castle Black qui a une plot limit... » — Marto, qui gagne contre Val car son deck est légal
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Le Violeur du Donjon Rouge

Messages : 471

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MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 12:46

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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 10825
Age : 43

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 12:53

cette haine du bara qohor ! Laughing Shocked

vraiment du n'importe quoi cette période de RL aléatoire , j'ai hâte qu'on en sorte ... Sad
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Messages : 2069
Age : 32

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 13:05

Ah mais y a le nouveau pack en plus ^^

Sans moi, clairement.
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Le Violeur du Donjon Rouge

Messages : 471

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 13:06

Il me semble que Ya que quelques agenda autorisés du nouveau pack mais pas le reste
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Garde de Nuit de Paris

Messages : 1946
Age : 45

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MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 13:24

mais mais mais… c'est du n'importe quoi…

« Bon, je ne serai malheureusement pas des vôtres ce week-end [au CF 2018]... » — Marto, champion de France 2018
« Je concède face à Valnitrik étant donné que mon deck n'est pas légal. Je joue deux exemplaires de Annals of Castle Black qui a une plot limit... » — Marto, qui gagne contre Val car son deck est légal
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Messages : 2755
Age : 35

Dance with dragons online tournament Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament EmptyDim 22 Mar 2020 - 13:48

On restreint Valyrian Steel mais on rentre Dark Wing sans restriction.

Le champion. Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: Dance with dragons online tournament   Dance with dragons online tournament Empty

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Dance with dragons online tournament
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