Le Trône de Fer JCE
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Le Fan Forum du jeu de cartes évolutif Le Trône de Fer JCE basé sur la saga de G. R. R Martin A song of ice and fire.

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Le Championnat de France 2023 se déroulera le 7 octobre 2023 à Lyon!
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 By three they come - Tournoi par équipe

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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 10825
Age : 43

By three they come - Tournoi par équipe  Empty
MessageSujet: By three they come - Tournoi par équipe    By three they come - Tournoi par équipe  EmptyDim 28 Fév 2021 - 23:38



"After an 8 months break we are back with the second installment of this online team tournament.
Please join the discord server https://discord.com/invite/y3nnZBs and enter your JP name as alias for this server.
Register now so we can get things rolling.
Deck submission will be done closer to the tournament start (which means open decklist format). The start will be on March 15th, given we gather enough teams to participate.

The tournament format will be:
- Online (theironthrone.net), 90 minutes rounds.
- Redesigns + Forgotten Heroes + Jade Sea.
- Each round lasts a week.
- Each team plays 3 games each round.
- Each team prepares 4 different decks without duplicates in faction cards or agendas.
- Each team has a team captain. There are no restrictions for the team size, drivers, etc. The captain selects the deck drivers before each match.
- When team pairings are announced for each round, the captains communicate with each other to determine deck pairings in the following turn-based fashion:
During swiss rounds a randomly chosen team has first action (you can use https://rolldicewithfriends.com/). During an action the captain can either pair, or ban an opponent's deck (each team has a single ban per round). For example, Captain#1 chooses one of the four decks of the opponent and either pairs it with one of their own decks or bans it for the current round. Then Captain#2 has an action window. This repeats until the three deck pairings for the round are determined.
- Best of 3 games gets a win for the round.
- Pairings will be announced on Mondays and each round will last a week.
- Number of rounds and other info will be published in the discord server once we have some numbers on the participation count (expect 4 rounds of swiss).
To register fill this form (https://forms.gle/w6tyHBRRRVFnPzbz7) by midnight Sunday, March 14th. First round pairings will be up on Monday on TJP.
For scheduling purposes and friendly chat join the dedicated discord server: https://discord.gg/y3nnZBs
To see the results of the first tournament, check this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/.../2PACX.../pubhtml# "

Dernière édition par Argento le Lun 1 Mar 2021 - 23:20, édité 2 fois
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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 10825
Age : 43

By three they come - Tournoi par équipe  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: By three they come - Tournoi par équipe    By three they come - Tournoi par équipe  EmptyDim 28 Fév 2021 - 23:42

Alex , Qt et moi allons se lancer dans l'aventure !
Probablement en tant que "the good , the bad and the ugly " ( je vous laisse répartir les rôles !) Razz

Si d'autres veulent monter leur team, ça serait encore plus cool !
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By three they come - Tournoi par équipe
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