Agenda: (1)
1x House of Dreams (A Roll of the Dice)
Plot: (7)
1x Summoning Season (Core Set)
1x Game of Thrones (Lions of the Rock)
1x Negotiations at the Great Sept (The Pirates of Lys)
1x Winter Festival (Wolves of the North)
1x Fortified Position (Lords of Winter)
1x Spending the Winter Stores (Queen of Dragons)
1x The Power of Blood (Core Set)
Character: (35)
3x Robert Baratheon (Core Set)
3x Melisandre (Return of the Others)
3x Brienne of Tarth (Princes of the Sun)
1x Eddard Stark (The Tower of the Hand)
1x Knight of Flowers (Tourney for the Hand)
1x Dale Seaworth (A Turn of the Tide)
1x Margaery Tyrell (Tales from the Red Keep)
1x Ser Emmon Cuy (Kings of the Storm)
1x Shireen Baratheon (Forging the Chain)
1x Marya Seaworth (Kings of the Storm)
1x Renly Baratheon (The Raven's Song)
1x Ser Guyard Morrigen (Kings of the Storm)
1x The Bastard of Nightsong (Valar Morghulis)
1x Edric Storm (Core Set)
1x Varys (Secrets and Spies)
1x Ser Cortnay Penrose (Kings of the Storm)
1x Willas Tyrell (Valar Morghulis)
1x Devan Seaworth (Core Set)
1x The Red Queen's Faithful (Chasing Dragons)
2x Summer's Champion (A Song of Summer)
3x Highgarden Refugee (Refugees of War)
2x Stormlands Bastard (The Isle of Ravens)
3x Royal Entourage (The Tower of the Hand)
Attachment: (1)
1x Melisandre's Favor (The Horn That Wakes)
Event: (10)
3x Make an Example (Princes of the Sun)
3x Heart of the Stag (Kings of the Storm)
2x Obey the King (Kings of the Storm)
2x Nightmares (Lords of Winter)
Location: (14)
1x King Robert's Hammer (The Battle of Blackwater Bay)
1x Oakenshield Port (The Pirates of Lys)
2x Smuggler's Cove (Kings of the Storm)
3x Narrow Sea (Core Set)
3x Seat of Power (Wolves of the North)
1x Street of Silk (Lions of the Rock)
1x Street of Sisters (Core Set)
1x Street of Steel (Core Set)
1x Shadowblack Lane (Core Set)
Total Cards: (60)
Deck Created with Game of Thrones Deckbuilder