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 Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?

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7 participants
Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyJeu 24 Sep 2015 - 19:46

Hello! Vince told me that you might be able to host me during the tournament? That would be great! Any takers? Smile

Also... I arrive Wednesday because I found very cheap tickets compared to other days, I will probably CouchSurf or go to an hostel. But if anyone would host me from Wednesday ---> Monday I would very grateful. I've got cooking, conversation and present-skills in exchange! Wink

EDIT: Oh right, this is Andreas from Stockholm Smile


Dernière édition par SundanC_e le Jeu 24 Sep 2015 - 21:34, édité 2 fois
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Champion d'Europe de Mêlée 2013

Messages : 5771
Age : 40

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyJeu 24 Sep 2015 - 19:55

Yay it would be a pleaseure to see you in Paris Andreas Very Happy !
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Champion de France de Mêlée 2016 - Garde de Nuit de Paris

Messages : 4151

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyJeu 24 Sep 2015 - 23:23

Hello Andreas.
There is a subject talking about that:

Yes, it is in french for the moment (oups Razz), but I will try to translate this tomorrow. However, your request for a host is taken in account, but I don't know yet if people are available for wednesday and thursday. I will send you an answer as soon as possible.

Devise des Crevards: "On n'est pas à l'abri de passer une bonne soirée"

Qt, 22/03/2020: "Je persiste et signe malgré ma nullité sur IT"
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyJeu 24 Sep 2015 - 23:59

Okay. I wasn't sure if that was an announcement thread or disscusion thread. Anyway, will keep looking here Smile
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Main Du Roi 2010

Messages : 8347
Age : 42

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyVen 25 Sep 2015 - 9:12

If you know vegan cooking, i might be able to help you with the couch Wink

It all depends of how many british guys Vince will come with...
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyVen 25 Sep 2015 - 10:39

A couch is more than I need to stay comfy. Sadly I forgot how to cook vegan food when I rejoined the darks side years ago Sad
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Main Du Roi 2010

Messages : 8347
Age : 42

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyVen 25 Sep 2015 - 10:46

We might find a workaround : i'm not vegan either Wink

Edit : My girlfriend went in sweden for 6 month and so agrees for you using some place to sleep.
She says you're not to be an exemple about food : mostly herring and salmon. Which is fine by me Razz
She asks you to bring "surstromming" so i can change my mind.
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Héritier et Pupille

Messages : 1446

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyVen 25 Sep 2015 - 17:21

He who opens a can of surstromming shall burn his place down afterwards, so as to keep the smell under control.

Also, beheading the guy who brought the dreaded "meal" should be an option, so that it will not happen again.

Welcome to France, a land where no olfactive sin will stay unpunished.

[15:19:41] Mog Baelish LDBG : Pour moi, 5/5, c'est un mec qui rentre dans tous les decks, et lui pour moi il rentre, j'aurais du mettre 5/5 pour Janos, mais ma mauvaise foi de lanni a pris le dessus

[15:43:50] Ketal : nan mais je dis que c'est de la merde parce que je suis un rageux^^

Aekhold a écrit:
Merci en Targ conclave et j'etais le seul conclave mais quand j'ai vue les cartes sous l'agenda d'habitude j'essaye de maintenir la poker face mais j'ai lacher un "au putain" c'est quoi cette rotisserie.
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyVen 25 Sep 2015 - 17:33

I'll show you how to eat surströmming. It is an art.. I'll bring snaps to easier tolerate it Very Happy
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Khudzlin, Rules Bison
Valar Morghulis
Khudzlin, Rules Bison

Messages : 11477
Age : 41

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyVen 25 Sep 2015 - 17:58

jon-z a écrit:
He who opens a can of surstromming shall burn his place down afterwards, so as to keep the smell under control.

Also, beheading the guy who brought the dreaded "meal" should be an option, so that it will not happen again.

Welcome to France, a land where no olfactive sin will stay unpunished.

Counterattack with cheese. We have very smelly cheeses.
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Main du Roi 2016 - Hand of the King 2016

Messages : 26

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyDim 27 Sep 2015 - 18:43

Flights booked! Smile
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Qt, The Soulless Man
Champion de France de Mêlée 2018 - Gouverneur du Val - Membre du Conseil Restreint
Qt, The Soulless Man

Messages : 8421
Age : 45

Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? EmptyDim 27 Sep 2015 - 19:10

Yeah, so don't forget to book your registration to the Hand's tourney just here. Do it before wednesday to get your participation gift.

See you soon and thanks for your participation,
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Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?   Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand? Empty

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Accomodation during Tourney of the Hand?
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