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 Tyrell ROc top 2 Rome

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Champion de France 2014

Messages : 2556

Tyrell ROc top 2 Rome  Empty
MessageSujet: Tyrell ROc top 2 Rome    Tyrell ROc top 2 Rome  EmptyMar 11 Juil 2017 - 19:56


Un pote italien a fait second à Rome avec un deck très différent,

A la base je lui avais passsé ca en C3 (pas la voiture hein  16 )
Plot (12)
1x A Game of Thrones
1x Close Call
1x Counting Coppers
1x Filthy Accusations
1x Marched to the Wall
1x Power Behind the Throne
1x Pulling the Strings
1x Summer Harvest
1x The First Snow of Winter
1x Time of Plenty
1x Valar Morghulis
1x Varys's Riddle
Character (36)
1x Alerie Tyrell
3x Arbor Knight
1x Brienne of Tarth
1x Butterbumps
1x Elinor Tyrell
3x Garden Caretaker
3x Hedge Knight
3x Jaqen H'ghar
1x Littlefinger
3x Margaery Tyrell (Core)
1x Randyll Tarly
1x Renly Baratheon (FFH)
1x Ser Colen of Greenpools
1x Ser Hobber Redwyne
3x Ser Jon Fossoway
1x Syrio Forel
1x The Knight of Flowers
3x Varys
1x Wardens of the Reach
3x Wildling Horde
Attachment (2)
2x Heartsbane
Location (17)
3x Great Hall
2x Highgarden
1x Renly's Pavilion
3x Rose Garden
3x The Arbor
1x The Iron Throne
1x The Mander
3x The Roseroad
Event (5)
3x "The Last of the Giants"
2x Support of the People

Il en est arrivé à ca de son coté en C4. Le deck est nul vs nw, mais c'est voulu. on peut pas tout battre.  Il a mis lay siege pcq astapor ravage le deck sinon. Comme tout deck reset quoi.
Si vous avez des questions, je ui demanderai de passer à l’occasion Wink

Plot (12)
1x Building Orders
1x Confiscation
1x Filthy Accusations
1x Forgotten Plans
1x Ghosts of Harrenhal
1x Political Disaster
1x Power Behind the Throne
1x Pulling the Strings
1x The First Snow of Winter
1x Trading with the Pentoshi
1x Valar Morghulis
1x Wildfire Assault
Character (34)
1x Alerie Tyrell
1x Brienne of Tarth
1x Butterbumps
3x Garden Caretaker
3x Lady-in-Waiting
1x Littlefinger
1x Mance Rayder
3x Margaery Tyrell (AMAF)
3x Oldtown Informer
2x Olenna's Informant
1x Paxter Redwyne
3x Randyll Tarly
2x Rattleshirt's Raiders
2x Renly Baratheon (FFH)
1x Ser Jon Fossoway
1x Syrio Forel
1x The Knight of Flowers
1x The Queen of Thorns
2x Varys
1x Wildling Scout
Attachment (5)
1x Appointed
2x Bodyguard
1x Crown of Golden Roses
1x Heartsbane
Location (12)
3x Great Hall
2x Pleasure Barge
1x Renly's Pavilion
3x Rose Garden
3x The Arbor
Event (10)
2x "Lord Renly's Ride"
2x "The Last of the Giants"
2x Growing Strong
2x Lay Siege
2x The Hand's Judgment

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Champion de France 2014

Messages : 2556

Tyrell ROc top 2 Rome  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tyrell ROc top 2 Rome    Tyrell ROc top 2 Rome  EmptyLun 17 Juil 2017 - 10:39

Le deck gagne la BW pour info Smile

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Tyrell ROc top 2 Rome
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