Le Trône de Fer JCE
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Le Fan Forum du jeu de cartes évolutif Le Trône de Fer JCE basé sur la saga de G. R. R Martin A song of ice and fire.

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Le Championnat de France 2023 se déroulera le 7 octobre 2023 à Lyon!
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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 10825
Age : 43

Règlement  Empty
MessageSujet: Règlement    Règlement  EmptyVen 13 Sep 2019 - 17:43

le règlement :

" AGoT World Cup 2019


Nations will submit teams of 9 with up to 5 substitutes
Each team will be one of each faction and a wildcard “double up” faction
If a substitution is required the sub must play the submitted deck of the person they are subbing for, a sub cannot play more than 2 games each round.
https://discord.gg/vgbqzvW For scheduling purposes, grabbing streamers/recordings and for having a central hub of communication I have created a discord server. You may use any method of communication to set up the games, preferably communicating when games are in case people want to stream.
When signing up you will assign each clan a number 1-9
When playing your 1 seat will play the opponents 1 seat and the same goes for 2,3 etc...
Stage 1 of the world cup will be swiss with a cut decided on after I see the number of teams signed up, swiss length will also be decided then. After swiss the top X teams will be seeded into a single elimination bracket.
Teams and Decks must be submitted by 11:59pm PDT on 9/29/19


Games will be timed 55 min, when a game starts someone types the start time, games will follow the rules for going to time as normal.
If there are issues with scheduling please reach out to me and I will do my best to alleviate these issues. Use your subs.
If a match is not played due to scheduling issues a win will be awarded to the player who I deem to have been more available. If that cannot be determined it will be a double loss.
If a player is late to a scheduled time they will be given a loss once they are 20+ minutes late. If a player is late by 10-19 minutes they will be given a warning, repeat tardiness warnings will be escalated.
If a player disconnects during a match they will be given a loss if they are disconnected for 15+ minutes, unless their opponent agrees to a regame.
If the server goes down during a game it will be a remake unless one team concedes. If the game is recorded or streamed it can be sent to arbitration on grounds of “we were going to win for sure,” and an admin will review it.
If there is any proof of more outside assistance it will result in the nation being disqualified, seriously please don’t cheat.
If you play a deck that does not match your submitted list it is a game loss for an illegal deck.
If there is new content or a new RL during the event, we will either finish out the phase of the tournament or there will be time for a resubmission of decks. During a resubmission you are able to change your decklists, the order of your factions and who is starting/subbing along with which house they are assigned.
All released content that’s implemented on The Iron Throne is legal. When we start this event we will be using up to and including pack 6 of this current cycle.


The goal is to get every match streamed and recorded, if you have a scheduled match please post in #media to organize a streamer.
All streamers from all nations are encouraged to create media for this event.
Prizes - TBA
If there is anything I missed please let me know i’ll add it to the documentation. Comments, questions or concerns please post or PM me.

All rulings are subject to change and admins have the final saying based on any issues presented."
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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 10825
Age : 43

Règlement  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Règlement    Règlement  EmptyDim 22 Sep 2019 - 20:23

Aneil Seetharam ' only restrictions are ff banned and your wild card faction must be a different agenda from the other. Ie: can’t have 2x martell wars but can have wars and tptwp"

ok , il me semblait qu'il était revenu là dessus aussi mais non .

Nos 2 deckS Stark devront donc jouer 2 agendas différents ! Wink
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