Salut à tous !
Je ne sais pas si vous avez vu mais il y a eu une proposition sur les deux groupes facebook "A Game Of Thrones LCG 2E Community" et "AGOT 2nd Edition" pour essayer d'organiser des words, très probablement en ligne. Comme la personne qui a fait le post m'a dit qu'elle avait très peu de contacts de français, je me suis dit que j'allais poser la question directement ici : est-ce que ca intéresserait par certains de nos gardes de nuit favoris ?
Le dit message : "In the last couple of days I thought about the possibility to have a „World Championship 2020“ for our Card Game (There was one in February, but technically this was Worlds 2019). I know we can’t have a 100% official World Championship without an Organisation that represents the Community and is responsible for the Tournament and of course it won’t have the same standing as past Worlds and not all players will agree that it is Worlds 2020.
Stahleck would have been the perfect solution but because of the pandemic, sadly this isn’t a possibility either.
So my approach would be, to get as many of the Organizers of the big Tournaments (Nationals, Road to Stahleck and Stahleck itself, Northeast Championship Tour, ...) and representatives of Metas on board to make a World Championship 2020 happen.
Of course it will be held online, so we don’t have to care about accomodation and things like that.
We just have to agree on the Date and Time, to make it available for most of the players all around the world (probably in December to have some time to sort things out). Not all of you have to spend time to organise the Event, we need some people to take care about the registration process, participation fee, Price Support (Cards for Participation, Playmat for Top 4, Best of Faction Price, a Trophy and a Card Design for the Winner for example) and Judging and Guiding through the Event on Discord but most of you only have to do one thing:
Approve the Tournament as the „official“ World Championship this year for the Card Game we love.
I have no idea if this is a good soultion but I haven't come up with a better one yet
If you don’t want to have a World Championship this year, or if you have a better idea of „creating“ one, feel free to give your advice in the comments or just ignore this message.
I will now tag the Tournament Organisers (It’s possible that I’m gonna tag some people who are no longer responsible or into the game and I will definetly miss a lot of organisers) and some representatives or activ players (and some World Champions
) and then we will see if we can work something out:
Schwaig Ertsey, James Bamfield, Helmut Hohberger, Rachel Bremner, John Taggart, Remko Looten, Vaes Bulghar, Ванчо Иванов, Dockside: A Road to Stahleck Event, Michał Lewiński, Małe Ptaszki, Je suis Buzz, Andreas Aldrin, Battle of Blackwater Bay, Dave Bamford, George Ankers, Chewy Quah, Lucas Sydlaske, Libor Pelcman, Joe Zimmer, Gabbi Diane, Richard Walker, Francisco Gobantes Marin, Nerius Burdulis, Johannes Järvinen, Atanas Keranov, Chris Meeuwsen, Young Jin Oh, James Waumsley, Alasdair Macdonald, Adem Kolar, Aneil Seetharam, Francis Cote, Lennart Ip, Chris Vac, Roy Rogers, The White Book Podcast, Chris Thompson, Will Lentz, Alejandro Pantoja, Argento Agot, Northeast Championship Tour, Adrien Champougny, Mario Perotto, Calvin M. Green, Matthew Slarday, Miha Vrbanec, Evžen Kindermann, George Papatheodorou, Flabio Pastén Valenzuela
I hope you are all doing well in this tough time and that we can have a big Tournament to close the year
If it doesn't work out, it was worth the try and I hope for a reunion at Stahleck 2021!
What is dead may never die