voici une première deck list pour un deck Tannière + Muse
Tous vos commentaires sont les bienvenus (notamment sur le choix des terrains pour fournir de l'influence).
House (1)
House Stark (Core) x1
Agenda (1)
Kings of Winter (TWoW) x1
Character (31)
Hungry Mob (CoS) x3
Bolton Refugee (RoW) x3
Hodor (Core) x1
Carrion Bird (ASoS) x3
Samwell Tarly (TRS) x2
Sansa Stark (TftRK) x1
Craster (WotN) x1
Old Nan (BoRF) x1
Reek (MotM) x1
Ser Jorah Mormont (PotS) x1
Ranger of Winter (TWoW) x2
The Bastard's Elite (RoR) x3
Guard at Riverrun (LoW) x3
Arya Stark (CoS) x1
Brienne of Tarth (PotS) x1
Catelyn Stark (LoW) x2
The Blackfish (LoW) x1
Robb Stark (LoW) x1
Location (15)
Narrow Sea (Core) x3
Lord Eddard's Chambers (Core) x2
Northern Fiefdoms (Core) x3
Crossroads (Core) x2
Frozen Moat (BtW) x2
Den of the Wolf (ACoS) x2
The Red Keep (TftRK) x1
Event (6)
To Be a Wolf (SB) x3
Narrow Escape (KotStorm) x3
Attachment (9)
Frozen Solid (LoW) x2
Grey Wind (LoW) x2
White Raven (TWoW) x3
The Long Winter (ACoS) x2
Plot (7)
Retaliation! (ASoSilence) x1
The Winds of Winter (TWoW) x1
A Time for Ravens (ACoS) x1
The Minstrel's Muse (RotO) x1
Winter Festival (WotN) x1
Battle of Oxcross (PotS) x1
Valar Morghulis (Core) x1