Bolzano Lord
Messages : 2162 Age : 39
| Sujet: Re: [Projet] Receuil de Rulings AGOT Dim 25 Aoû 2013 - 15:23 | |
| Attention pour la définition des cartes : Maison X uniquement n'est pas un mot-clef. | |
Khudzlin, Rules Bison Valar Morghulis
Messages : 11477 Age : 41
| Sujet: Re: [Projet] Receuil de Rulings AGOT Lun 26 Aoû 2013 - 7:50 | |
| - Bolzano a écrit:
- Je ne crois pas, car en étape 2) la carte sur laquelle il est attaché n'est pas encore moribonde, et donc l'attachement ne l'est pas non plus.
Quand une carte est moribonde, il est déjà trop tard pour la sauver. Si l'attachement doit devenir moribond en étape 3, on peut le sauver en étape 2. Si on suit ton raisonnement, il n'est jamais possible de sauver un attachement qui est défaussé indirectement. Au passage, le ruling de Damon sur la résolution de At the Palace of Sorrows est incohérent. Les cibles sont choisies en étape 1, mais les cartes ne deviennent moribondes qu'en étape 3. | |
Bolzano Lord
Messages : 2162 Age : 39
| Sujet: Re: [Projet] Receuil de Rulings AGOT Dim 1 Sep 2013 - 21:21 | |
| Mais en fait Khudz on est d'accord: le ruling de Damon est incohérent sur ce point et on a toujours considéré la défaussé des attachements comme un effet passif. En revanche il l'a contredit par un ruling et ça impliquait de pas pouvoir sauver les attachements défaussés "indirectement". Donc j'ai envoyé le tout à Nate, qui a contredit Damon, confirmé la défausse passive des attachements sur cartes moribondes, et annoncé que ce serai mis à jour dans la prochaine FAQ en octobre. - Bolzano a écrit:
- It has been reported from Damon on cardgamedb that when a card becomes moribund, all its attachments immediatly become moribund.
And by immediatly, it means at the very same Step 3) when the character becomes moribund.
The direct consequence is that there is no opportunity to save the attachment from beoing discarded through save effects such as Davos.
That's why it was always previously ruled, also by Kevin / Ktom, that attachment on moribund card becomes Moribund as a passive game effect (so during Step 4), not Step 3)) : this left an opportunity to save the attachment.
In my opinion this ruling could be correct but is tricky, that's why I prefer to double check.
In conclusion, Davos (CS) can save attachment from being directly discarded by card effects, but not from beoing discarded because the card on which they are attached to is moribund.
Or (2nd interpretation), the attachment on a moribund card is discarded passively (Step 4) hence Davos can save it.
- Nate French a écrit:
So the ruling was based on an FAQ entry, page 19, under step 3, "Action is executed." It says there that "cards that are killed, discarded, or returned to hand/deck (including their attachments)" become moribund for the remainder of the action window.
However, ktom is also correct that the majority of the community has understood and played that attachments so that they go moribund passively, during step 4, when the card they are attached to leaves play.
So, in my opinion, the best course of action is to maintain that they go moribund passively during step 4, and correct the FAQ on page 19 to reflect the way the game has been being played for 10 years. The FAQ will be updated during the first week or two of October, to give players time to process the contents for worlds. | |
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