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 Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida

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13 participants
Champion de France 2014

Messages : 2556

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMar 20 Sep 2016 - 16:43

Voici le deck avec lequel Marco a finit premier des rondes au national italien.
Bien sur la liste est publiée avec son accord!
Il m'a dit qu'il passerait sur le forum et que tout avis était bon à prendre! N'hésiter donc pas à critiquer/questionner!

On peut déjà féliciter la performance, faire premier des rondes avec un deck à sa sauce en martell fealty c'est pas donné à tout le monde!!

Once again, congratulations Marco! You are the best dude! Smile

Plot (7)

1x Calling the Banners
1x Close Call
1x Confiscation
1x Marched to the Wall
1x Summer Harvest
1x The Long Winter
1x Wildfire Assault

Character (36)

1x Areo Hotah
2x Arianne Martell
3x Bastard Daughter
3x Desert Scavenger
1x Doran Martell
1x Edric Dayne
3x Greenblood Trader
3x House Dayne Knight
3x Knights of the Sun
3x Nymeria Sand
3x Palace Spearman
1x Pyromancers
1x Rattleshirt's Raiders
2x Starfall Cavalry
3x Tyene Sand
3x Varys

Attachment (7)

2x Attainted
2x Imprisoned
2x Milk of the Poppy
1x Venomous Blade

Location (12)

3x Blood Orange Grove
3x Ghaston Grey
3x The Kingsroad
3x The Roseroad

Event (6)

2x His Viper Eyes (a card that wins 2 games on its own: targ and lanni winter )
2x Tears of Lys
2x Vengeance for Elia
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Champion d'Europe de Mêlée 2013

Messages : 5771
Age : 39

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMar 20 Sep 2016 - 17:09

I agree Marco is the best Smile. If you see this, congrats again mate! See you soon!

Voilà voilà ^^. Je n'en dis pas plus n'ayant pas les billes pour ^^.

Dernière édition par Vince le Mar 20 Sep 2016 - 17:12, édité 1 fois
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Ser Chevalier

Messages : 658
Age : 38

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMar 20 Sep 2016 - 17:10

Beau deck !
Pas de 1st snow mais un wildfire. Je vois pas trop l'intérêt de Wilfire dans un deck jouant Varys.

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Champion de France 2014

Messages : 2556

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMar 20 Sep 2016 - 22:23

bpo a écrit:
Beau deck !
Pas de 1st snow mais un wildfire. Je vois pas trop l'intérêt de Wilfire dans un deck jouant Varys.

dans le cas ou tu pioches pas varys t'as wildfire.
EN plus ou bien wildfire temporise avant varys ou bien une fois que t'as varys t'as un second reset si l'adversaire repart trop bien.
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Aubergiste de la Rue Belette

Messages : 236
Age : 34

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMar 20 Sep 2016 - 23:45

Varys est surtout compliqué à setup contre Lanni, Wildfire déjà moins Twisted Evil
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 6
Age : 42

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMer 21 Sep 2016 - 9:43

Merci Vince Smile
On Wildfire, the deck main objective is to keep the board as small as possible (so Nymeria, Blade and the negative attachments count more) and sometimes you won't be able to see varys so wildfire can help. On top of that, a late wildfire can hurt lanni/stark quite a lot.
My biggest doubt at the moment is how to win vs bara dominance - I can get around kneel quite easily but painted table/tdf is a bitch! Any suggestions?
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Ser Chevalier

Messages : 658
Age : 38

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMer 21 Sep 2016 - 10:07

Thank you for your deck and your comment.

To win against Barath dominance ?
- Add another Pyromancers
- Add iron throne

Do you see/use Pyromancers in tournament ?
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 6
Age : 42

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMer 21 Sep 2016 - 11:04

I felt I was the only one playing them Smile the one copy won me a game vs Greyjoy (discarded great kraken, iron mines and the throne) and one of my stark game (discarded brokenfell!)
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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 13166
Age : 39

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMer 21 Sep 2016 - 11:05

Thx for sharing your deck ! I really enjoy the precise number of some cards, like only 2 tears, as far as Tyene X3 may garanty enough targetted kills.

I fell like playing Arianne X2 enables to put a second pyromancer wich you can protect in a control deck like this. Baratheon is kinda no brain with locations, but quite easy to deal with pyromancers, as soon as you get Cressen killed.

Do you chose to play 2 summer and 1 winter against season decks, or just on mainly for their excellent effects ?
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Aubergiste de la Rue Belette

Messages : 236
Age : 34

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMer 21 Sep 2016 - 11:41

Did Varys really shine ?

Did you miss The Red Viper ?
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 6
Age : 42

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMer 21 Sep 2016 - 15:20

summer/winter plots: to combat winter decks and for the effect (summer harvest allows me to go 2nd and put varys to reset the board with no kingsroad to use, even on turn 1). Also long winter really helps martell as often you'll be behind and take an extra power away from the opponent can be decisive. I played only one winter plot as varys helps a lot vs stark (I beated 3 stark in the swiss, all of them folded after 4-5 plots)

varys: I I feel varys is one of the key of the decks - it won all the three games I played vs stark, almost won me the game vs bara Smile for a deck with low cost char (at least low cost for this meta) is quite easy to "explode char" more than your opponents after varys

red viper: not really, I only wish I had it in the top32 as he would have helped me to win dom/get more power chall through
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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 10825
Age : 43

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMer 21 Sep 2016 - 17:29

bravo marco !

why doran ? maybe a third arianne instead ? Or another rattleshirt ?

imprisoned x2 against put to the sword , stark match up ? when i play martell , i prefer condemned because it's very good against many houses , including lannister or bara...but i don't play martell very often ! Wink

what do u think about the new cards , the cavalry and venomous blade ? great ?

like guys say before, did u try the deck with first snow ? because u have a good number of chars cost 4 and + , and like u say small board are good for ghaston , icone-removal etc..

grats again.

i hope u can do a tournament in france one day ! Wink see u
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 6
Age : 42

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyJeu 22 Sep 2016 - 9:44

Ciao Argento!
I will definitely come to France for a tournament! Will you come to Stahleck?
Here my answers:
-Doran is there for an extra power icon and draw, on top of that he's often the target of events/negative attachment so nymeria/tyenne are a bit safer
-imprisoned is mainly against lannister (here in Italy everybody seems to run X3 sir gregor), with this an nymeria on the table I don't have to be afraid of their PTTS. It also helps against Ice and after a varys
-the real surprise was the army: on paper it looks like a bad card but mid game can make a huge swing. Venoumous blade it's a great card but I put it X1 as most of the board wiping will happen with Varys
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Champion de France de Mêlée 2015

Messages : 7287
Age : 48

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyJeu 22 Sep 2016 - 14:19

Hi Marco

Congrats for your result ! And thank you for sharing your deck.

It's interesting to see Varys coming back. I guess most of your opponents didn't have seen him coming.
However, given the high value of Varys in your deck, I'm surprised you run neither Summons (to be quite sure to get a copy in each game) nor Hand's Jugement (to counter Treachery or Nightmare). I had the same thought with Katagena's NW Winter deck.
Do you expect to make the game last long enough to eventually draw a copy of Varys?

Another question: on which character do you usually put Venomous Blade? On a cheap one, that you would then choose for Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida 307038563 claim ?
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Messages : 2787
Age : 32

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyJeu 22 Sep 2016 - 14:45

Marco can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Varys has such a primordial value in this deck, since he ran wildfire assault in the plotdeck to have a reset in case Varys doesn't come.

+ the draw in mid late game (when you really start needing him) is quite good with starfall cavalry's and traders tho

As for HJ, viper's eyes does quite the same job, and ghaston can also pull the cancels out (You use treachery on my ghaston so that i don't bounce your tywin ? Ok, now I marschall varys...)

Needless to say I really like your deck Marco Wink Whether you spent a lot of time building it or not, many choices seemed to be carefully considered. Congrat's for your result and Ty for sharing Wink
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 6
Age : 42

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyVen 23 Sep 2016 - 10:32

Merci Comm & PorcoRouxo
Yes Varys was a big surprise for several opponent - particularly for several Stark that on the first turn marshalled most of their hand Smile
Instead of Hands Judgement I have Viper Eyes (it was a great last minute suggestion from Ecureuil!)
I didn't want to use Summon for two reasons
1) i didn't want them to see varys
2) i want high initiative plot for going 2nd (so I can max out the effectiveness of my martell tricks)

I'm trying to further develop the deck. At the moment there are a couple of "burning choices"
1) testing another plot instead of wildfire (I never needed in the tournament). I'm considering varys riddle or long plan
2) i'm trying to put an extra pyromancer to balance the match up vs bara

Suggestions are welcome Smile
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Binoux, Sand Bison
Ser Chevalier
Binoux, Sand Bison

Messages : 663
Age : 32

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyVen 23 Sep 2016 - 13:43

Congrats and thanks for sharing !

After playing it, do you feel that Close call is really needed ? Calm over westeros might be more reliable, with more initiative and keeping its full effect no matter what your opponent flips.

Also, Littlefinger's draw being more stable than doran's, and since you only have 2 other martell Lords /lady,  wouldnt Littlefinger be a nice replacement for doran ? Of course, your neutral spots are tight but taking your 1xRattleshirt out (seems quite unreliable) might solve it. It may close the spot for that second Pyromancer, though.

Glad to see that you found Starfall Cavalry useful. Still looking forward to trying it, but I feared that I would sometimes have to waste its effect by playing it too early.
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Messages : 2345
Age : 43

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyVen 23 Sep 2016 - 14:57

Hi Marco welcome here !

We talked elsewhere of the decklist so no particular question but your answers here confirm me that your deck is highly customized and prepared for the right environnement and the right pilot.

I love this kind of decks... Maybe a more classic martell might have save you in top 32 (notably a martel / lanni who beat more easily barath) but would you have been in top 32 with it ?
This one was clearly well reasoned and tested !

Love for example your answer on summons ! Lot of opponents might simply loss on surprise varys !

Still don't understand how the deck can afford that gold curve with this plotline but I definitly need to test it ! Very Happy

Oh a little question anyway !
always regarding doran (who seems THE card who surprise everyone including myself Very Happy) : with your gold curve, how many time do he hit the table during the whole 7 games ? on those times, how many times do you think littlefinger would have been more adapted to the table ? Red vyper ?

Congrats again for your performance !
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Ser Chevalier

Messages : 658
Age : 38

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyVen 23 Sep 2016 - 17:48

Personnaly, i had the same dilemn Doran or Littlefinger.
And choose Doran :

Same cost with fealty, can be reduce my reducers.
I prefer insight than drawing 2 in marshalling.
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Membre du Conseil Restreint

Messages : 10825
Age : 43

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyVen 23 Sep 2016 - 20:17

Markdrive82 a écrit:
Ciao Argento!
I will definitely come to France for a tournament! Will you come to Stahleck?

not this year ... Sad , but for good reasons ! Very Happy ( another baby ! )

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Qt, The Soulless Man
Champion de France de Mêlée 2018 - Gouverneur du Val - Membre du Conseil Restreint
Qt, The Soulless Man

Messages : 8421
Age : 45

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptySam 24 Sep 2016 - 0:49

Marco a écrit:
I will definitely come to France for a tournament!

On the Tournoi de la main, April 2017 perhaps?
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Mendiant de Culpucier

Messages : 6
Age : 42

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMar 27 Sep 2016 - 13:54

I will definitely try to come to Paris - would love to do a tournament in France!
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Messages : 4984

Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida EmptyMar 27 Sep 2016 - 20:40

Hi Marco

Have you considered including Dawn at any point in the deck ? I counted quite a few house dayne character, do you think Dawn x 1 might be worth a try ?
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Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida   Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida Empty

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Martell fealty: 1 er des rondes au national italien by Marco Guida
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