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 [Deck - Joute] 2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres)

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2 participants
Masi Lannister
Mendiant de Culpucier
Masi Lannister

Messages : 6

[Deck - Joute]  2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres) Empty
MessageSujet: [Deck - Joute] 2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres)   [Deck - Joute]  2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres) EmptyMar 15 Déc 2009 - 11:31

Here you have the deck I´ve played in the Eurochamp. I was 2nd in the swiss and the only one match I lose, it was because I only had 3 Charachters until Turn 6, and even that I would have win that one I f I were said "Inmune to Events" with Tyrion... but I didn´t. Sad

There´s a report of the Tourney in my blog, but the important thing is the deck...xDDDD

Agenda: City of Shadows

Plot Deck
1x Valar Morghulis
1x City of Lies
1x City of Sin
1x City of Secrets
1x City of Spiders
1x City of Spies
1x City of Soldiers

House Deck (69)
Characters (31)
1x *Jaime Lannister (CS)
1x *Cersei Lannister (KL)
1x *Tommen Baratheon
1x *Tyrion Lannister (s)
1x *Qyburn (s)
1x *Syrio Forel (s)
1x *Varys (s)
1x *Meñique (KL)
3x Castellan of the Rock
3x Lannisport Steward
3x Lannisport Weaponsmith
3x Cersei´s Attendant
3x Refugees of the Mountain
3x Silent Sisters (s)
3x Shadowcat (s)
2x Pyromancer´s Apprentice (s)

Locations (22)
3x The Goldroad
3x Sunset Sea
3x Kindom of Shadows
2x Twilight Market
3x Alchemist´s Gild Hall
2x The Black Cells
3x Golden Tooth Mine
2x *Burdel de Lannisport
1x *Aposentos de la Reina Cersei

Events (9)

3x Distraction
3x You´ve killed the wrong dwarf!
3x Insidious Ways

Attachments (7)
3x Flogged and Chained
2x Milk of the Poppy
2x Venomous Blade
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Membre de la Vieille Garde

Messages : 5040
Age : 50

[Deck - Joute]  2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Deck - Joute] 2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres)   [Deck - Joute]  2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres) EmptyMar 15 Déc 2009 - 12:30

Yep. Very impressive to me. That's the kind ok deck i wish to build.
What about 1 copy of "queen of thorns" instead of something, in order to win faster ?
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Masi Lannister
Mendiant de Culpucier
Masi Lannister

Messages : 6

[Deck - Joute]  2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Deck - Joute] 2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres)   [Deck - Joute]  2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres) EmptyMar 15 Déc 2009 - 14:33

About the Queen, it´s something everybody asks to me...xD
Pay 2 gold to put something out of shadows is expensive, and if I do it, I need it to be, or deffinitive or it must help me in a "deffinitive way"

Tyrion is one of those "deffinitives" and the black cells helps me to control the board.

Gold Cloack gives me "nothing", comparing to its cost. Ok, it´s good to draw a card, and a 4STR double icon, but I have all of this with other cards.
King´s Landing gives me the same that other cards I already have, so It didn´t pass the cut.
And the same is about the Queen. Ok, I can win lots of power, but in my environment, Valar Morghulis is vastly seen, and I don´t have any Lightbringer to protect her, and 2 copies o 3 are too many cards. (In fact, Kill for your king, City of Soldiers, Milk of the Poppy... too many cards in my playgroup to be worry to protect her.)

But hey!, It´s my thought, and my way of play, just try it by yourself, and see if you can use it.

I´m glad that you like it!!
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[Deck - Joute]  2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Deck - Joute] 2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres)   [Deck - Joute]  2nd Swiss in Eurochamp (Cité des Ombres) Empty

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